Aboriginal Advisory Board

Domestic, family and sexual violence (DFSV) affects people across all population groups.  However the evidence shows that Aboriginal women and children experience disproportionate rates of violence.  This violence is often more severe and more complex in its impacts.

The Northern Territory (NT) Government has received strong calls to elevate Aboriginal voices in the DFSV space.  This has led to the establishment of a non-statutory NT Aboriginal Advisory Board on DFSV.  The board has eight members.

The board provides advice and information to the Minister for the Prevention of DFSV.  This is in relation to:

  • improving the prevention of DFSV
  • improving the response to DFSV as it impacts upon Aboriginal people, communities and services.

Terms of reference

Read the terms of reference DOCX (51.6 KB).


The board publishes communiques online following each meeting.

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