Round table member advocates for youth mental health


Every year, members of the NT Youth Round Table receive the opportunity and resources to develop an action-based community project that services their local community.

2023 Round Table member Rohan has developed a brochure outlining mental health services for young people, addressing the gap in awareness and access to support—especially for those transitioning to middle school, a time when they need these resources the most.

Rohan's brochure aims to break down the stigma involved when taking pamphlets or seeking help, which causes a huge barrier to young people getting the information and mental health supports they need. 

There are now 2000 professionally printed mental health brochures designed by Rohan to go in enrolment bags or directly in the bags of students commencing Year 7!

Mental health brochure, how to support your mental healthMental health brochure, mental health signs and mental health services

Congratulations, Rohan - what an incredible achievement!

Rohan Kealy holding mental health brochure

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