20 September 2022 - meeting 7 - communique

The Northern Territory Disability Advisory Committee (the Committee) met with the Hon Ngaree Ah Kit MLA, Minister for Disabilities on 20 September 2022. The Chair noted apologies from Committee members.

The Committee discussed the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Remote Service Delivery, the Northern Territory (NT) Youth Round Table, Post-school options for young Territorians with disability through the NT Public Sector Disability Employment Program (DEP), and Implementation of the NT Disability Strategy 2022- 2032 and first three-year Action Plan 2022-2025.

Minister’s Update

The Minister provided members with an update on the launch of the NT Disability Strategy and first three-year action plan, her participation with the Disability Reform Ministers Meeting, noting her advocacy for the NT, and her plans to spotlight two NT communities as trial sites to find out what is working and what needs to be improved in regards to NDIS, and come up with solutions.

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) - Remote Service Delivery

Ms. Chantelle Ayres, Territory Manager, National Delivery NT, National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) presented an update on progress of the NDIS in the NT, and talked about some of the challenges, particularly with remoteness, thin markets, and embedding cultural safety when working with Aboriginal people and communities. Ms Ayres talked about NDIA NT’s key focus area of delivering a remote travel schedule which sees NDIA on the ground in community more frequently, using existing community services to promote NDIS trips. She talked about Remote Early Childhood services and the NDIA working with the Families as First Teachers programs to improve co-ordination.

Northern Territory Youth Round Table

Mr. Jordon Humphreys – Member of NT Youth Round Table, talked about the activities of the NT Youth Round Table, his area of focus being disability advocacy and increasing accessibility and inclusion, and his personal experiences that have been a powerful motivator for him to be an advocate for inclusion.

Northern Territory Public Sector Disability Employment Program

Ms. Jean Perkins, Deputy Director, Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment, Ms. Jean Gilson, Assistant Director, Early Careers and Ms.Christina Walker, A/Assistant Director, Coordination and Strategic Advice Unit, Workforce Development, Corporate Services, Department of Corporate and Digital Development, updated Committee members on the DEP, a key initiative under the NTPS EmployAbility Strategy 2018-2022.

The DEP provides financial support to agencies employing a person with disability in an entry-level role. Employment can extend through to two years, and employing agencies are encouraged to provide a permanent role for the employee at the end of the program. Pathways exist for participants who are registered with a Disability Employment Service, school-leavers with disability and for one graduate trainee each year.

Northern Territory Disability Strategy

Ms. Michelle McColm - Director, Office of Disability, presented on the roll-out of the NT Disability Strategy and its first three-year Action Plan. She noted that the number of people in the NT on NDIS plans is low and the strategy has actions to support eligible Territorians to access the NDIS.

The date for the next meeting of the Committee will be provided on the webpage.

Mr Chris Blackham-Davison
Northern Territory Disability Advisory Committee

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