Compliance reviews

In line with requirements under the Local Government Act 2008, the department has established a program of compliance reviews for councils.

Inspectors appointed by the Minister under the Act conduct the reviews to check, via a method of sampling, that councils are conducting their business lawfully.

In 2019-20, the Compliance team conducted compliance reviews on the City of Darwin and the Tiwi Islands Regional Council. None of the issues identified as part of the reviews were considered serious and councils are implementing the improvement recommendations.

In general, the Compliance team conducts four compliance reviews each year. However, with the anticipated introduction of the new Local Government Act 2019 in July 2021, councils have requested time to prepare for the necessary changes to comply with the requirements set out in the new Act.

As a result, the department engaged with councils and the Local Government Association of the Northern Territory. Engagement included seeking feedback on the development of financial, human resource and risk and fraud management requirements for inclusion in the new regulations and guidelines associated with the new Act. This will help councils transition and comply with the new governing legislation.

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