Northern Territory disability strategy action plan 2022-2025

This is a HTML version of the action plan, the document is also available as a PDF PDF (465.0 KB) or easy read PDF (7.0 MB).

The Northern Territory Disability Strategy 2022 – 2032 (the Strategy) aims to address the barriers to equality, accessibility and inclusion experienced by Territorians with disability. People with disability have guided the development of the Strategy; their voices, experiences and choices are reflected throughout.

The Northern Territory (NT) Government believes that an inclusive and accessible society is fundamental to improving the lives of people with disability and to creating a welcoming and thriving Territory. This Northern Territory Disability Strategy Action Plan 2022–2025 (the Action Plan) shows how the NT Government and other stakeholders will make this happen. Beyond this, all stakeholders are encouraged to commit to the vision and principles, and to identify the actions that they can take to make a difference.


An inclusive Territory where people with disability are valued, respected and can contribute to community, no matter where we live.


The Strategy is based on the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), which Australia has agreed to. The Strategy is also guided by the following principles, co-developed with people with disability:

  • Promote the dignity, autonomy and freedom of people with disability.
  • Champion the key role of those who support people with disability: families, kinship families, carers, guardian sand significant persons.
  • Ensure people with disability aren’t disadvantaged because of personal circumstances, such as age or home location.
  • Recognise the important role of Aboriginal peoples in achieving the outcomes of the Strategy.
  • Value the importance of culture to improving life outcomes.
  • Create environments that are culturally safe for Aboriginal people.

Make people with disability the key decision makers in decisions that affect them, including by promoting collaboration and co-design between people with disability and other stakeholders.

Recognise that disability is only one part of someone’s story.

Outcomes and Priorities

The Strategy is built around five outcomes for people with disability. These outcomes reflect the key themes that were identified by people with disability through the consultation process. Each outcome has a set of priorities for the life of the Strategy. This Action Plan identifies key actions to be implemented under each priority.

OutcomeOur Priorities
1. People with disability have rights and choices which are protected and respected Empower people with disability to know their rights and have the tools to exercise them.

Strengthen informal advocacy networks and resources.

Enhance formal disability advocacy services.

Deliver disability confident and accessible justice and corrections systems.

Deliver disability confident and accessible police, fire and emergency services.

Support eligible Territorians to access the NDIS.

2. People with disability are included and can engage, participate and contribute to community life

Address barriers to participation in social, recreation, sporting, arts, cultural events and activities.

Support community services to be disability confident and inclusive.

Increase the community’s visibility, understanding and acceptance of people with disability.

Recognise and promote the role of carers.
3. People with disability can access the places, information and services they need

Increase the availability of housing that meets universal design principles.

Ensure universal design in public places and buildings.

Enhance the accessibility of transport options.

Support access to technology that improves people’s lives.

Improve the accessibility of public information and communications.

Increase the choice of quality, culturally competent disability service providers across the Territory.

4. People with disability have the skills and opportunities to participate in the economy and be financially secure Provide education that meets an individual’s lifelong learning needs.

Expand options for young people transitioning from school to employment or other forms of economic participation.

Increase employment of people with disability.

Support employers to be disability confident.

5. People with disability’s health and wellbeing is supported Deliver disability confident, inclusive, and accessible health services.

Increase access to health education and prevention supports.

Enhance early identification of disability and referral to early intervention services.

Support all services to work together to improve a person’s health outcomes.

Laying the foundations

This Action Plan has been developed alongside the Strategy.

The three-year Action Plan is the first of the three action plans that will be developed over the life of the Strategy. This Action Plan lays the foundation for the implementation of the 10-year Strategy.

The actions chosen for this Action Plan have been selected as they align with key priorities that

were raised in consultations with people with disability, government, community stakeholders, mainstream and specialist disability services and other stakeholders.

The NT Government’s actions under Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031 Targeted Action Plans have also been included1. These actions need to be established early on to set the direction for sustainable change and to build momentum for the Strategy.

The key focus areas of this first Action Plan include:

  • Change community attitudes by increasing the community’s visibility, understanding and acceptance of people with disability.
  • Improve access to services for people with disability in remote locations, including disability services, health services, education services, community services and other types of services.
  • Increase the availability of suitable housing options for people with disability and ensure that public spaces and buildings are designed with inclusion and accessibility in mind.
  • Foster cultural connections for Aboriginal and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse people with disability, and build the cultural competency of disability service providers.
  • Increase employment of people with disability, including through enhanced transition pathways from school.

The actions in the Action Plan mainly reflect commitments by NT Government agencies. Some actions from other organisations (including local governments, the community sector and industry) have also been included where commitments have been made.

These actions do not reflect all the work that is occurring across the Territory to progress these priorities and outcomes. Organisations are encouraged to formalise their commitments so that they can be included in future reporting against the Action Plan, and in future Action Plans.

Where possible, resources and reporting developed under the Action Plan will be made available online and in languages other than English spoken by Territorians.

For further information on the Strategy and Action Plan, the Office of Disability can be contacted via email at:

The Action Plan

Outcome 1: People with disability have rights and choices which are protected and respected


  1. Empower people with disability to know their rights and have the tools to exercise them
  2. Strengthen informal advocacy networks and resources
  3. Enhance formal disability advocacy services
  4. Deliver disability confident and accessible justice and corrections systems
  5. Deliver disability confident and accessible police, fire and emergency services
  6. Support eligible Territorians to access the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

1.1 Empower people with disability to know their rights and have the tools to exercise them

Item Action Lead Timing

1.1.1 Strengthen the design of all government service systems and the supports they provide for people with disability at risk of harm

Identify systems to monitor the ongoing interactions of people with disability and existing government agencies, including data from interactions with the NDIS Worker Screening, youth justice system, corrections system, legal advocacy system and domestic violence services.

Improve interagency sharing of information to support the ‘no wrong door’ approach to the government service system.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

From 2022

1.1.2 Build public confidence in pathways for complaints and redress

Develop and disseminate materials to increase awareness of the options available to people with disability and their carers if they have a complaint or dispute, and to build confidence to pursue those options, such as through the Health and Community Services Complaints Commission, NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Anti-Discrimination Commission or NT Consumer Affairs for goods and services.

Department of the Attorney- General and Justice


1.1.3 Deliver the Community Visitor Program

Deliver the Community Visitor Program for people with disability from all diverse communities to build awareness and education of rights, and deliver complaint or quality processes to prevent abuse and neglect.

Anti- Discrimination Commission


1.1.4 Review guardianship arrangements

Review all guardianship orders involving the Public Guardian to ensure the human rights of represented persons are being upheld.

Office of the

Public Guardian

By 2025

1.1.4 continued

Review existing practices to ensure culturally safe services for Aboriginal Territorians and undertake a pilot guardianship project with the Northern Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA).

Office of the

Public Guardian

By 2024

1.1.5 Update the Disability Services Act 19931

Review and update the Disability Services Act 1993 to reflect the transition to the NDIS and changes to disability services. The review of the Disability Services Act 1993 will consider:

  • the responsibility for the administration and provision of specialist disability services to the Commonwealth, including NDIS maximisation in the Northern Territory
  • obligations under the UNCRPD
  • obligations under Australia’s Disability Strategy
  • alignment with the NT Disability Strategy
  • reviews of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act and the Disability Discrimination Act.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities and Department of Health

By 2023

1.1.6 Right to stay on country

Continue to promote that a person with disability has the right to remain on country in: Anmatjere, Atitjere, Engawala, Lajamanu, Nyirripi, Willowra and Yuelamu and have access to meals, transport, personal care, domestic assistance, centred based respite and social support.

Central Desert Regional Council


1.2 Strengthen informal advocacy networks and resources

Item Action Lead Timing

1.2.1 Support a disability network

Support a disability network which can share information, tools and resources with each other and with people with disability.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

From 2022

1.3 Enhance formal disability advocacy services

Item Action Lead Timing

1.3.1 Implement a trial for a Student Advocacy Service

Trial and develop student advocacy services to assist families navigating the system or resolve issues between students, families and education providers.1

Develop and provide informative resources and support materials targeted to children, young people and families to assist them in making informed decisions about their child’s/children’s education. 1

Establish a youth sector peak body that will also advocate on behalf of young people with disability

Department of Education

From 2022

1.3.2 Review and build capacity of formal advocacy services for young people

Conduct an evaluation of the trial and a review of potential NT advocacy providers to expand the service, aligned to the Department of Education’s Framework for Inclusion.

Department of Education

By 2025

1.3.3 Continue to support advocacy

Continue to support advocacy, led by people with disability or persons with lived experience across the NT, by prioritising funding to identify and represent the views of people with disability, whilst contributing to policy analysis and sector development.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities


1.3.4 Establish an Aboriginal Disability Peak for the Northern Territory

Establish an Aboriginal Disability Peak Body for the NT as part of NT Closing the Gap Implementation Plan.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

By 2025

1.4 Deliver disability confident and accessible justice and corrections systems

Item Action Lead Timing

1.4.1 Provide appropriate aids and equipment

Support people in custody to access appropriate aids and equipment for the purpose of improving functions regardless of the activity they are undertaking.

Department of the Attorney – General and Justice; and Department of Health


1.4.2 Accessibility audits for correctional facilities

Audit correctional facilities for accessibility within the framework of the secure environment.

Department of the Attorney- General and Justice

By 2025

1.4.3 Specialised accommodation and activity support within prisons

Specialised accommodation and activity support within prisons

Support the needs of prisoners with disability by establishing specialised accommodation areas within the correctional centres and providing access to functional aids and equipment where necessary.

Department of the Attorney- General and Justice

From 2022

1.4.4 Increase specialist assessment services in correctional facilities

Increase specialist assessment services in correctional facilities

Improve access to, and capacity of, specialist allied health services to assess functionality on site and provide advice on strategies that may improve client functioning and participation in service and programs.

Department of Health; Department of the Attorney- General and Justice

From 2022

1.4.5 Build capability to identify and respond to risk and protective factors resulting in a person with disability experiencing, or possibly being at risk of harm

Identify a strengths-based model that enables a safe and secure environment for people with disability to identify and flag risks of harm.

Develop and implement policies, guidelines, and resources to recognise the safety risk factors for people with disability.

Department of Health


1.4.6 Update plans and processes for disaster and emergency management to include people with disability

Review and update the NT Disability Pandemic Plan, to include the input from theCOVID-19 lockdown experiences in the NT.

Include service providers in interagency and Sector Emergency Management Meetings.

Work with disability service providers to review and update the Emergency Management Plan for each organisation.

Deploy a NT Government employee identifying as a person with lived experience of disability to join the Welfare Group to provide real time knowledge and awareness of the issues and concerns of vulnerable people.

Update the NT Disability Support Services Pandemic Plan, into the categories of prevention, preparedness, response (outbreak response) and stand-down (recovery).

Update Emergency Plans in disability service organisations into the categories of prevention, preparedness, response (outbreak response) and stand-down (recovery).

The provision of accessible information for disaster and emergency management through the engagement of interpreters and development of resources for people who do not speak English as their first language, and an Auslan Interpreter to support the provision of information to the deaf and hard of hearing community, and increase the expertise and reach of Auslan Interpreter workforce through the provision of a scholarship program.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities


1.5 Deliver disability confident and accessible police, fire and emergency services

Item Action Lead Timing

1.5.1 Develop educational resources for existing staff

Develop tools and resources to educate and support existing staff in how they can change practices to promote disability access and inclusion within the organisation.

Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services


1.5.2 Develop operational principles

Develop, deploy, and regularly review training and operational practices to respond effectively to scenarios involving people with disability.

Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services


1.6 Support eligible Territorians to access the NDIS

Item Action Lead Timing

1.6.1 Support NDIS access

Support and advocate for represented persons involved with the Public Guardian to access the NDIS and for their NDIS plan to be reflective of the needs of the person.

Office of the Public Guardian


1.6.2 Assist with NDIS navigation

Support organisations to navigate the NDIS system, including payments and setting up businesses that will complement the NDIS.

Chamber of Commerce


1.6.2 continued

Develop NDIS support coordinators framework for represented persons involved with the Public Guardian.

Office of the Public Guardian

By 2025

1.6.3 Improve NDIS access through Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations

Build the Aboriginal Community Controlled sectors capacity to support access to the NDIS, consistent with the National Agreement on Closing the Gap and the associated National Disability Sector Strengthening Plan.

Department of Chief Minister and Cabinet


1.6.4 Support new and additional registrations under the NDIS

Small Business Champions to continue to work with existing Territory Enterprises to support new and additional registrations under the NDIS.

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade


1.6.5 Improve NDIS access through Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations

Build the capacity of Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations to become registered NDIS providers.

Department of Health


1.6.6 Support children and young people in the child protection or youth justice systems to access the NDIS

Provide support and advocacy around NDIS access and planning.

Monitor and increase the percentage of children and young people in care who have access to NDIS supports.

Provide ongoing training for child protection practitioners and youth justice staff around NDIS eligibility, access and supports.

Develop practice resources for child protection practitioners and youth justice staff around NDIS eligibility, access and supports.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities


Outcome 2: People with disability are included and can engage, participate and contribute to community life


  1. Address barriers to participation in social, recreation, sporting, arts, cultural events and activities
  2. Support community services to be disability confident and inclusive
  3. Increase the community’s visibility, understanding and acceptance of people with disability
  4. Recognise and promote the role of carers

2.1 Address barriers to participation in social, recreation, sporting, arts, cultural events and activities


2.1.1 Audit of place base, play equipment and sports clubs

Develop a Playground and Play Space Strategy to help with future planning and development of playgrounds, play and active recreation spaces in Palmerston ensuring play spaces are accessible and inclusive for all, and audit the City of Palmerston’s place base and play equipment to ensure that it is inclusive and accessible.

City of Palmerston

From 2022

2.1.1 continued

Review of the upgrade to Jingili Water Gardens, inclusive, all abilities playground.

City of Darwin


2.1.1 continued

Support clubs to engage a local disability service provider or community group to conduct an access audit and include physical access improvements into the organisation’s asset management plan.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

From 2022

2.1.2 Identify barriers and solutions to participate in community life

Conduct a volunteer management survey to identify what the barriers are for people with disability to participate as a volunteer and share results with the Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities.

Volunteering NT

From 2022

2.1.2 continued

Develop a document which supports City of Palmerston to develop strategies and actions to achieve equity of access and inclusion within Palmerston.

City of Palmerston

From 2022

2.1.2 continued

Conduct a Territory-wide survey to identify barriers and solutions for people with disability to participate in each area of community life.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

From 2022

2.1.3 Promote access and inclusion advisory committee

The DiversAbility Collective will continue to educate and improve community awareness of the needs and rights of people with disability and those with access and inclusion matters, through positive and proactive media, social marketing, community events, festivals, forums and other initiatives.

City of Darwin


2.1.4 Increase access to events that require a support person

Promote the NT Companion Card to increase card holder and affiliation participation, influence attitudes, raise awareness and understanding of the required accommodation for people with disability to attend community activities or events.

Integrated disAbility Action Inc.


2.1.5 Increase access and inclusion across arts and culture programs

Review the Arts and Culture Grants Program and implement findings to increase access and inclusion across all grant program opportunities.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

By 2023

2.1.5 continued

Through Arts NT, continue to support Arts Access Australia’s NT membership bodies and prepare NT plans in line with the National Arts and Disability Associated Plan being developed.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities


2.1.6 Increase access and inclusion across sports programs

Ensure sport and active recreation funded participation and development programs cater for all abilities. This includes, for example, working with sports and disability service groups to provide coaching and officiating opportunities for people with a disability and offering transport solutions to get to and from training venues.

Work with disability service groups (including the Office for Disability, Disability Sports Australia / NT, Total Recreation, Clubhouse Territory, etc.) and peak sporting bodies to develop and deliver relevant and necessary community sport education programs across the Territory.

Review and update grant programs to consider funding opportunities to improve sport and active recreation opportunities and outcomes for people with disability.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

From July 2022

2.1.6 continued

Implement Sport Australia’s 7 Pillars of Inclusion to help sports, clubs, associations and organisations to identify the strengths and weaknesses with regards to the inclusion of individuals and communities.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

From July 2023

2.1.7 Investigate demand for a borrowing scheme for specialist equipment

Investigate the need for, and management of, a sport and active recreation equipment library / libraries that includes access for people with a disability to borrow equipment that is too expensive or not used frequently enough to purchase themselves (e.g. beach wheelchairs).

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

From July 2023

2.2 Support community services to be disability confident and inclusive


2.2.1 Provide access to resources that will help community services be confident and inclusive

Develop and connect community services to useful resources to help them be disability confident and inclusive.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities


2.3 Increase the community’s visibility, understanding and acceptance of people with disability


2.3.1 Create an information hub where the public can access information and resources

Create an information hub (website) which connects the public to useful resources to learn more about the diverse needs, rights and ways to support people with disability. Resources will be provided in a range of formats and languages.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities


2.3.2 Raise awareness about people with disability across the Territory

Promote events such as ‘Say hi to the Dry’, All Abilities Expo, Carnival of Fun and supporting the celebration of International Day of People with Disability and develop a comprehensive plan to raise awareness about people with disability so that communities are more inclusive.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities


2.3.3 Promote opportunities for people with disability to be in leadership roles

Promote the Youth Round Table as an opportunity for young people with disability to engage with decision makers and develop their leadership skills.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities


2.3.3 continued

Promote opportunities for people with disability to be on government boards and committees through disability networks and develop a quota for government.

Department of Chief Minister and Cabinet

By 2023

2.3.4 Support Darwin to be an inclusive city

Support Darwin to be an inclusive capital city through the DiversAbility Collective by educating; increasing visibility and active participation of people of all abilities within the community; and increasing the impact of an inclusive agenda on the broader Darwin community.

City of Darwin


2.3.5 Increase support under the Mac Care program

Support community members with disability to live on their country and have access to sustainable, community-led, culturally appropriate Mac Care program. This may include domestic care, personal care, transport and/or meals.

MacDonnell Regional Council


2.4 Recognise and promote the role of carers

Item Action Lead Timing

2.4.1 Support carers with information and resources

Establish information, networks and resources to support people with disability, carers or guardians in providing care and navigating services.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

By 2025

2.4.2 Support private guardians

Develop and provide educational material to support private guardians, including newsletters and information sessions.

Office of the Public Guardian


2.4.3 Review Kinship and Foster Carers’ handbook

Review the handbook to promote person with disability carers’ knowledge around NDIS and promote access to the NDIS.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities


Outcome 3: People with disability can access the places, information and services they need


  1. Increase the availability of housing that meets universal design principles
  2. Ensure universal design in public places and buildings
  3. Enhance the accessibility of transport options
  4. Support access to technology that improves people’s lives
  5. Improve the accessibility of public information and communications
  6. Increase the choice of quality, culturally competent disability service providers across the Territory

3.1 Increase the availability of housing that meets universal design principles

Item Action Lead Timing

3.1.1 Update construction standards

Review construction standards and implement changes to ensure that all government housing built in the NT reflects best practice and relevant Australian Standards for access and mobility. Create a plan to rectify existing public housing for people with disability, as required, in consultation with people with disability.

This will include:

  • Implement liveable housing design provisions being introduced in the National Construction Code 2022 for government housing in the NT.
  • Ensure all new remote community housing dwellings are designed to be able to achieve silver standards of the Liveable Housing Design Guidelines (2017) and requirements of AS 4299 (1995), and the Adaptable Housing Standard. All new houses aim to be ‘visitable’ and allow basic provisions for ramp access, level thresholds to wet areas and living areas, and ease of use within toilets and showers.

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics

From 2022

3.1.2 Increase remote accessible housing stock

Increase the stock of community housing in remote areas through the 10 year commitment ‘Remote Housing Investment Package:
Our Community. Our Future. Our Homes. (2017 – 2027)’ which is accessible to people with physical and non-physical disability.

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics

Ongoing (by 2027)

3.1.3 Increase urban accessible housing stock

Increase the stock of social housing in urban areas which is affordable and accessible to people with physical and non-physical disability.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities


3.1.4 Support the growth of the Disability Accommodation Sector

Provide opportunities for Specialist Disability Accommodation providers to construct Specialist Disability Accommodation and build capacity in the sector.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities


3.2 Ensure universal design in public places and buildings


3.2.1 Conduct accessibility audits

Commission independent accessibility audits of a selection of public places, town plans and buildings to identify structures and practices requiring review, prioritising higher risk settings such as correctional and health facilities.

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics

From 2022

3.2.1 continued

Audit existing public infrastructure to ensure that it is  compliant with relevant accessibility standards.

City of Darwin

From 2022

3.2.1 continued

Conduct an assessment of NT Government sporting assets in adequately catering for people with a disability (with improvements required to be a priority in the  works program) and alignment to Universal Standards.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

From 2022

3.2.2 Embed universal design in all new public places  and buildings

Embed universal design in all new public spaces and buildings,  particularly  those deemed ‘high risk’, so that they are designed with universal principles in mind.

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics

From 2022

3.2.2 continued

Major assets and infrastructure projects are designed in line with relevant access standards and incorporate Universal Design principles.

City of Darwin

From 2022

3.2.3 Avoid or rectify barriers to accessibility through community engagement

Establish and implement a process to engage with people with disability and the community to identify potential barriers to community and infrastructure projects at the project initiation stage, and to identify barriers  and develop plans to address them in existing projects.

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics;

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

From 2022

3.3 Enhance the accessibility of transport options

Item Action Lead Timing

3.3.1 Introduce performance standards for transport

Implement and monitor a system of performance standards  for disability accessible transport similar to the Key Performance Indicators for the commercial passenger vehicle industry.

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics

By 2025

3.3.2 Update bus ticketing systems

Introduce a new bus ticketing system that is accessible  and compliant with the disability standards for accessible transport.

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics

By 2024

3.3.3 Help people meet their transport needs

Help people to meet their unique transport needs by  developing schemes and incentives so that people with disability are not disadvantaged. This may include expanding initiatives such as the Transport Subsidy Scheme and Lift Incentive Scheme.

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics

By 2024

3.3.4 Assist the taxi industry to convert vehicles to be wheelchair accessible

Implement the Territory-wide grants scheme to assist the taxi industry to convert vehicles to be wheelchair accessible.

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics

From 2022

3.3.5 Improve the range and quality of transport options available in remote areas

Continue to provide funding through the Remote Passenger Transport Program to improve transport access in remote areas; work closely with communities and key stakeholders to ensure that transport requests cater for people with disability.

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics


3.4 Support access to technology that improves peoples’ lives

Item Action Lead Timing

3.4.1 Accessible service information

Expand the use of technology to allow for people with disability to  be  informed through a variety of information mechanisms e.g. large print, audio, different languages and Braille. This could include timetables on the website, at bus stops and interchanges.

Improve the accessibility of the Bus Tracker App to provide  information  on transport options for people living with disability.

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics

From 2023

3.5 Improve the accessibility of public information and communications

Item Action Lead Timing

3.5.1 Ensure communication by government is accessible and inclusive

Ensure programs, services and communication involve inclusive practices where and when required (e.g. text, translation and Auslan services for the hearing impaired, audio for vision impaired, etc.).

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities


3.5.2 Accessible information

Engage Aboriginal Interpreter Service and the Interpreter and Translating Service NT to increase the accessibility of information for people with disability.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

From 2022

3.6 Increase the choice of quality, culturally competent disability service providers across the Territory

Item Action Lead Timing

3.6.1 Enhance the role of Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations in the provision of disability services

Strengthen and grow partnerships with urban and remote Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations to provide age and disability services and programs. This will include partnership arrangements with:

  • Thamarrurr Development Corporation, in Wadeye
  • Wurli Wurlijang, in Katherine
  • Central Australian Aboriginal Congress, in Alice Springs
  • Danila Dilba Health Services, in Greater Darwin, and consultations with other Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations to explore options.

Department of Health

From 2022

3.6.1 Continued

Build the capacity of Aboriginal community-controlled organisations to deliver a full range of culturally responsive disability support services that achieve much greater social and economic participation of Aboriginal people with disabilities, consistent with the National Agreement on Closing the Gap and the associated National Disability Sector Strengthening Plan.

Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet


3.6.2 Build the local disability services sector workforce  and support local employment in the disability sector

Grow the Aboriginal disability workforce and improve training and professional development for workers, consistent with the National Agreement on Closing the Gap and the associated National Disability Sector Strengthening Plan.

Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet


3.6.3 Increase the number of disability service providers and NDIS registered providers operating in the NT

Connect Small Business Champions with key stakeholders to continue supporting registered providers and those intending to enter the market, to build capacity and capability.

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade

From 2022

Outcome 4: People with disability have the skills and opportunities to participate in the economy and be financially secure


  1. Provide education that meets an individual’s lifelong learning needs
  2. Expand options for young people transitioning from school to employment or other forms of economic participation
  3. Increase employment of people with disability
  4. Support employers to be disability confident

4.1 Provide education that meets an individual’s lifelong learning needs

Item Action Lead Timing

4.1.1 Implement the Department of Education’s Framework for Inclusion

Create an environment in NT Government schools which is inclusive, fair and focused on delivering learning to meet individual needs by implementing the Framework for Inclusion.

Department of Education


4.1.1 continued

Develop and implement reflection tools and processes, including an Inclusion Self Reflection Tool, to support schools to become more inclusive through their improvement planning.

Department of Education

From 2022

4.1.2 Strengthen systems for early support for students with disability

Strengthen systems for early and timely support for children and students with disability and diverse needs. Provide wraparound support to ensure all children with additional needs have the opportunity to engage, grow and achieve in their first years of education.

Develop and implement a mental health and wellbeing framework.

Department of Education


4.1.3 Support the transition of students into secondary schooling

Develop and promote public information for students and families of students with disability to support transitions, including new national information products developed through the Australian Government’s 2020 Review of the Disability Standards for Education 2005.

Department of Education

From 2022

4.1.4 Support educators in providing inclusive learning environments

Develop and implement professional learning resources to support educators in providing inclusive learning environments.

Investigate and implement methods to improve inclusive teaching practice through tertiary studies at the vocational education and training, and university levels.

Department of Education

From 2022

4.1.4 continued

Provide training on Disability Standards for Education to Charles Darwin University staff.

Charles Darwin University

From 2022

4.1.5 Monitor performance against National Quality Standards for Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority

Monitor services’ performance against the ‘National Quality Standard: Element 6.1.3 Families are supported’ to identify trends to indicate any future strategies, actions or professional development needs.

Monitor regulated services’ (under the National Quality Framework) performance against National Quality Standard: Element 6.2.3 Community engagement – the service builds relationships and engages with its community. Data from monitoring is used to identify service needs.

Department of Education

From 2022

4.1.6 Engage families of students with additional needs

Develop and implement initiatives to engage families of students with additional needs, including:

establish advisory groups including parents, students and key stakeholders

provide support materials for educators to better enablethem to establish welcoming,  safe and inclusive environments for students and families from a rangeof cultural backgrounds;

promote examples of best practice inclusion in the NT, including family voice, from a range of settings.

Department of Education

From 2022

4.1.7 Reduce and eliminate the use of restrictive practices in all government service systems

Reduce restrictive practices in schools by:

  • developing and implementing policy, guidelines, resources and training to reduce restrictive practices in schools;
  • developing systems to monitor and reflect on restrictive practices in schools, and ensure they are only used in emergencies and as an agreed part of a students’ adjustment plan.

Department of Education

From 2022

4.2 Expand options for young people transitioning from school to employment or other forms of economic participation

Item Action Lead Timing

4.2.1 Support students with disability leaving school

Follow and support the transition of students into further education, employment or training, in partnership with local communities, industry, government and non-government organisations, including by partnering with community or other groups to support students with disability transitioning from Year 12 into further education or employment.

Improve transitional support for children and students with disability, including transition out of schooling, in partnership with community organisations and industry.

Department of Education


4.2.2 More opportunities and information for students at schools

Promote opportunities for local high school students to undertake paid work experience for a term of the schoolyear at Katherine Town Council.

Katherine Town Council


4.2.2 continued

Promote the availability of Northern Territory Public Service (NTPS) traineeships for NT school-leavers with disability.

Office of Commissioner for Public Employment


4.2.2 continued

Focus on promoting employment opportunities available across the region for students with disability with in all the local schools.

Roper Gulf Regional Council


4.2.3 Facilitate a sector wide Disability Employment Program (DEP)

Facilitate and promote a sector wide DEP comprised of wage reimbursements and employment supports for:

  • Entry level, temporary roles for people with disability who cannot compete for public  sector  roles on the basis of merit.
  • NTPS traineeships and graduate roles for people with disability.

Office of Commissioner for Public Employment


4.2.4 Promote NTPS Traineeships

Promoted NTPS Disability Employment Program traineeship opportunities directly to NT school-leavers with disability.

NTPS Graduate trainee opportunities promoted and marketed directly to Charles Darwin University students.

Promotion of programs to NT school-leavers and university graduates with disability.

Office of Commissioner for Public Employment


4.2.5 Modified NT Certificate of Education and Training

Support students to complete the NT Certificate of Education and Training through modified subjects offered to students who are eligible on the grounds of a documented or imputed disability.

Department of Education

From 2022

4.2.6 Indigenous Employment Initiative (IEI)

Support local people with disability to engage in the IEI, including key stakeholders to support the dissemination of information to the community.

Roper Gulf Regional Council

From 2022

4.3 Increase employment of people with disability

Item Action Lead Timing

4.3.1 Increase disability employment in the Northern Territory Public Sector

Implement a special measures in recruitment pilot program for people with disability for vacancies that are mid-senior level mainstream roles.

Promote the availability of NTPS vocational and graduate traineeships for people with disability.

Continue to use the Champions of Inclusion to promote the employment of people with disability.

Continue to support and seek the advice of the Disability Reference Group as supported by the Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment to identify opportunities to increase employment of people with disability.

Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment; Department of Corporate and Digital Development

From 2023

4.3.2 Support Disability Action Plan implementation in the Northern Territory Public Sector

As part of the EmployAbility Strategy, support NTPS agencies to implement their Disability Action Plans, including monitoring the experience of people with disability through the People Matter Survey and addressing challenges and barriers faced by employees with disability.

Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment;

From 2023

4.3.2 Continued

Monitor implementation of NTPS agency Disability Action Plans, aligned to the NTPS EmployAbility Strategy.

Department of Corporate and Digital Development


4.3.3 Implement and evaluate the NT Public Sector EmployAbility Strategy 2018-2022

Continue implementation of the NTPS EmployAbility Strategy 2018-2022.

Office of Commissioner for Public Employment


4.3.3 Continued

Evaluate the NTPS EmployAbility Strategy 2018-2022 and develop its next iteration.

Office of Commissioner for Public Employment

From 2023

4.3.4 Maximising opportunities

Maximise opportunities for community members, including people with disability, to access training opportunities, receive on the job support and mentoring.

Roper Gulf Regional Council


4.4 Support employers to be disability confident

Item Action Lead Timing

4.4.1 Implement NTPS employee disability confidence training

Include Disability Confidence and unconscious bias training on the essential training list and manage and report on the agency uptake and progress of the program.

Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment;

From 2022

4.4.1 Continued

Implement and promote inclusion and diversity initiatives across the NTPS, including access to online and in-person training, webinars and events.

Deliver access to training opportunities, receive on the job support and mentoring.

Department of Corporate and Digital Development


4.4.2 Reward inclusive employers

Recognise and reward mainstream services that are inclusive, support people with  disabilities, and provide role modelling for other organisations.

Continue to sponsor an employment category in the NT Disability Services Awards.

Office of Commissioner for Public Employment; Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities; Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet; Chamber of Commerce


4.4.3 Add information to the new information hub  to help employers and employees

Add information to an information hub connecting employers to information about employing people with disability, including people rights and obligations.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities


4.4.4 Promote the NTPS as an exemplar employer

Promote the NTPS as an exemplar employer through ongoing awareness raising, training and upskilling of NTPS employees and leaders regarding unconscious bias, disability confident workplaces, Hands up for Inclusion resource and inclusive work practices.

Office of Commissioner for Public Employment


4.4.5 Sponsor major events and awards that celebrate  inclusion and achievements of people with disability

Provide a contribution from NTPS to:

  • National Disability Services (NDS) annual NT Disability and Inclusion Awards.
  • The Northern Territory Young Achiever Awards.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities


Outcome 5: People with disability’s health and wellbeing is supported


  1. Deliver disability confident, inclusive, and accessible health services
  2. Increase access to health education and prevention supports
  3. Enhance early identification of disability and referral to early intervention  services
  4. Support all services to work together to improve a person’s health outcomes

5.1 Deliver disability confident, inclusive, and accessible health services.

Item Action Lead Timing

5.1.1 Align to national standards on disability confidence, inclusion and accessibility

In partnership with consumers, implement a program to support NTG, Aboriginal Controlled, Primary Care and private health services to progressively achieve national standards with regard to disability confidence, inclusivity and accessibility.

This includes culturally safe and responsive health services for Aboriginal Territorians with a disability and health services delivered by NDIS funded allied health and nursing providers.

Department of Health

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

From 2022

5.2 Increase access to health education and prevention supports

Item Action Lead Timing

5.2.1 Identify priority areas for health education and prevention supports

In partnership with consumers, and linked with the above aim, identify priority areas for health education and prevention supports for Territorians with a disability and work collaboratively with NTG, Aboriginal Controlled and Primary Care health services to progressively deliver these supports.

This includes culturally safe and responsive health services for Aboriginal Territorians with a disability and health services delivered by NDIS funded allied health and nursing providers.

Department of Health

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

From 2022

5.2.2 Deliver Nurse Home Visiting Programs

Deliver sustained Nurse Home Visiting Programs in most remote and urban regions of the NT for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.

Nurse home visiting programs include the Maternal Early Childhood Sustained Home visiting program supported by the Northern Territory Government; and the Australian Nurse-Family Partnership Program supported by the Australian Government.

Support provision of sustained Nurse Home Visiting in most remote and urban regions of the NT for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. The programs are primarily delivered by Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation with some provision directly from the NT Government.

Department of Health


5.3 Enhance early identification of disability and referral to early intervention services

Item Action Lead Timing

5.3.1 Early identification of neurodevelopmental conditions

In partnership with consumers, strengthen strategies for screening, identifying, diagnosing neurodevelopmental conditions in children up to age five.

Department of Health


5.3.2 Early support of children with developmental delay

In partnership with consumers, strengthen early supports for children identified with developmental delay and their families.

Department of Health


5.3.3 Support children and young people in the child protection or youth justice systems presenting with developmental delays or suspected disabilities

Develop thorough care plans, which are implemented and regularly reviewed, with collaboration from all relevant stakeholders.

Provide diagnostic assessments and therapeutic interventions, as appropriate, utilising funded services and supports.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities


5.3.3 continued

Develop practice resources and provide ongoing training for child protection practitioners and youth justice staff around early intervention and processes for obtaining services and supports.

Continue to provide access to a panel of suitably qualified medical and allied health service, with an increased focus on early intervention and service provision in regional areas.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

From 2022

5.3.4 Deliver the Healthy Under 5 Kids Partnering with Families (HU5K-PF) Program

The Program provides a universal standardised well child health program for all children in the NT aged 0-5 years. The program includes anthropometric assessment, developmental screening, anticipatory guidance and health promotion education for parents.

Department of Health


5.3.5 Provide Hearing Screening

Provide the Newborn Hearing Screening in the birthing hospitals within the NT.

Department of Health


5.3.6 Deliver and expand Families as First Teachers (FaFT) program and associated screening

Continue implementation of an early learning and family support program for young children and their families in NT remote, regional and town settings, in order to support parents and families to improve their knowledge and understanding of child development and how they can support their children’s growth and development.

Department of Education


5.3.6 continued

Develop and implement a targeted campaign to encourage preschools and FaFT early learning and family support programs to more actively reflect on their children’s needs and engage in early intervention.

Department of Education

By 2022

5.3.6 continued

Implement the Ages and Stages Questionaire – Talking about Raising Aboriginal Kids (ASQ-TRAK) developmental screening tool for children aged two months to four years across FaFT sites in the NT to inform program delivery according to the needs of individual children.

Department of Education


5.3.7 Deliver wrap around support

Provide wrap around support to ensure all children with additional needs have the opportunity to engage, grow and achieve in their first years of education.

Department of Education


5.4 Support all services to work together to improve a person’s health outcomes

Item Action Lead Timing

5.4.1 Improve the health-disability service interface

In partnership with consumers, expand the range of current pathways to improve the interface between the health and disability sectors in the NT including reviewing roles that connect Territorians with a disability with health services in both urban and remote regions.

Department of Health


5.4.2 Support more accurate reporting to enable targeted service development for Territorians with disability

Strengthen current patient information system classification of disability conditions to enable needs based planning and service development.

Department of Health; Department of Attorney- General and Justice

From 2022

5.4.3 Training and development across the region

Continue to support of all employees and health services in the region to have access to the necessary training and development, to support and improve the health of individuals and their respective community.

Victoria Daly Regional Council


Accountability mechanisms


  1. Implement effective governance mechanisms to drive accountability
  2. Establish transparent implementation and reporting arrangements
  3. Put in place effective monitoring and evaluation measures

6.1 Implement effective governance mechanisms to drive accountability

Item Action Lead Timing

6.1.1 Implement ongoing governance mechanisms

Establish a process for the Disability Advisory Council to oversee and monitor the implementation of the Strategy and this Action Plan.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

From 2022

6.2 Establish transparent implementation and reporting arrangements

Item Action Lead Timing

6.2.1 NT Disability actions to be embedded in Agency Plans

All NT Government agencies will embed their commitments under the Strategy and this Action Plan into agency and business plans.

All NT Government agencies

By 2023

6.2.2 Hold quarterly NT Government agency meetings to report on progress

Agency representatives will meet quarterly to discuss, monitor and report on the progress of initiatives under the Action Plan.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

From 2022

6.2.3 Implement public reporting arrangements

Prepare and publish an annual report on the progress of the Strategy.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

Ongoing (yearly)

6.2.4 Invite and encourage non-government stakeholders to contribute

Establish a process for local government and non-government stakeholders to register their commitments under the Action Plan, and to report on implementation progress.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

Ongoing (yearly)

6.3 Put in place effective monitoring and evaluation measures

Item Action Lead Timing

6.3.1 Develop an outcomes framework

Identify key indicators and the required data sets to be collected against the five outcome areas in collaboration with key NT Government agencies.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

By 2023

6.3.2 Conduct a review of this first Action Plan and develop the second Action Plan

Review this first Action Plan in 2024 to assess progress undertaken and experience to date in implementation.

Engage with stakeholders, including people with disability, disability service providers, other service providers‘ and the government to identify new actions and amendments for the second action plan.

Ensure the second action plan is updated to reflect relevant recommendations of the Disability Royal Commission released in 2023.

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

By 2024

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