Community Housing Registrar NT

The Community Housing Providers (Adoption of National Law) Act 2012 (NSW) was enacted on 28 August 2012 and commenced on 1 January 2014.

About the National Regulatory Scheme Community Housing (NRSCH)

The Northern Territory commenced participation in the National Regulatory Scheme Community Housing (NRSCH) on 22 January 2014, with the passing of the Community Housing Providers (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2013 (NT) (NT Law).

The Community Housing Registrar NT (Registrar) is a statutory officer established under section 9(2) of the NT Law. The Registrar’s functions and delegations are also captured under this legislation.

The object of the Registrar’s role is to ensure the national system of registration, monitoring and regulation (NRSCH) of community housing is regulated in the NT.

The Registrars’ activities are limited to that of a regulatory nature and policy and funding decisions remain a matter for State, Territory and Federal governments decision-making to meet localised housing needs.

Primary objective

The NRSCH seeks to ensure a well governed and well managed, viable community housing sector that meets the housing needs of tenants and provides assurance for government and investors.

Community housing

Community Housing in the Northern Territory is secure, affordable, long term housing managed by non-government organisations for people on very low, low or moderate incomes, or for people with additional needs.

Community Housing Registrar NT

Ms Wendy Morton was appointed to the role of Northern Territory Community Housing Registrar in July 2021.

Wendy has lived in the NT for more than 25 years and spent a significant period of that time working for non-government organisations. Wendy has been involved in advocacy, strategic decision-making and policy development on a range of issues impacting on vulnerable groups including during her time as Executive Director of the NT Council of Social Service. Wendy has also worked as a consultant and is a member of several NTG advisory groups.

Wendy is supported by a part-time staff member seconded from Territory Families, Housing and Communities.


The Registrar seeks to meet regularly and communicate with stakeholders, to build trust through engaging genuinely and being transparent, and to build an understanding of community housing regulatory issues in the Northern Territory.

The Registrars’ direct engagement with stakeholders is supplemented by regular meetings with the housing sector, the Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities and other interested parties.

Application for registration and compliance


Apply Registration

Other resources

Comply fact sheet Compliance process
Comply provider guides Evidence guidelines
Comply tier guidelines Standard compliance assessment

Annual report

The NRSCH Annual Reports can be found on their website under the Publications & Reports / NRSCH Reports tab:

Community Housing Registrar’s office

Contact us

Office of the Community Housing Registrar NT
RCG Centre, 47 Mitchell Street, Darwin NT 0800
GPO Box 4621, Darwin  NT 0801
Phone: 08 8999 8304
Email: nrsch.tfhc

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