Peter Susanto

Peter Susanto

Peter is a passionate advocate for community development and is currently studying a Doctor of Medicine at Flinders University through the Northern Territory Medical Program. His talents have recently earned him the prestigious title of 2024 NT Young Australian of the Year, a well-deserved recognition for his outstanding contributions to the community. His engagement in activities such as badminton, swimming and cycling assist him to lead an active and balanced lifestyle.

At the heart of Peter's endeavours lies a commitment to community advocacy. He aspires to transform Darwin into a more vibrant and connected city, advocating for an increase in access to green areas to foster a friendly and community-connected environment. His coordination, organisational, and public speaking skills serve as powerful tools in effecting positive change.

Peter's achievements extend beyond the academic and community realms. His coding skills, effective communication and leadership experience in debate teams display a well-rounded skill set. As the NT Young Australian of the Year and a 2024 NT Youth Week Ambassador, he stands as a beacon of inspiration, embodying the values of leadership, community service and excellence. His journey will inspire other young Territorians to recognise their potential and ability to make a significant impact on their communities.

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