Northern Territory youth strategy

The Northern Territory Government is committed to ensuring young people in the Northern Territory (NT) are safe, healthy and happy, and given the opportunity to thrive. We aim to empower young Territorians and give them the tools and skills to be the driver of their future.

Northern Territory youth strategy 2023 to 2033

The NT Government has released the Northern Territory youth strategy 2023 to 2033 to identify programs, services, and infrastructure that can respond effectively to issues affecting young people in the Territory. The strategy outlines the aspirations of young Territorians and highlights key areas of importance to them.

The strategy’s vision is for a Northern Territory where young people lead enjoyable lives, are empowered to achieve their full potential, are socially connected and positive participants in their community.

The strategy lists 7 key domains and aims for young Territorians to:

  1. be connected to culture and community
  2. be financially secure and have material basics
  3. be able to learn, contribute and achieve
  4. be cared for, valued and safe
  5. be able to live a healthy life
  6. have appropriate and secure housing
  7. have a natural and built environment that supports a high quality of life.

The development of the strategy was overseen by the Project Reference Group comprised of young people from the NT Youth Round Table, NT Council of Social Services, regional youth advisory groups and government.

The 10-year strategy will be underpinned by three 3-year action plans throughout the life of the document.

Read the NT youth strategy 2023 to 2033 PDF (2.6 MB).

Northern Territory youth action plan 2024-2027

The first 3-year action plan supports the implementation of the Strategy focusing on acknowledging, celebrating and supporting young people in the Northern Territory.

The action plan sets out actions and practical steps to be taken to guide and strengthen the Northern Territory Government's investment and effort in program and service responses in the area of youth.

The action plan has 235 actions that address matters of importance for young people, the youth sector, and government.

Read the NT youth strategy action plan 2024 to 2027 PDF (1.4 MB).


The Office of Youth Affairs, Community Participation and Inclusion Division
Phone: 08 8999 3862
PO Box 37037
Winnellie NT 0820

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